Ramadhan al-Moazzam
Ramadhan, le neuvième mois du calendrier musulman, est le mois le plus sacré de l’année. Bienque toutes les créations appartiennent à Allah Ta’ala, ce mois est distingué en ayant la particularité d’être appelé le mois d’Allah (ainsi en arabe Shehrullah).
Allah a choisi de révéler son dernier message à l'humanité dans ce mois, ainsi dans la nuit de Qadr (Lailatulqadr), la 23ème nuit, le Quran Majeed se révéla et descendit sur le cœur de Son Messager et Son Prophète Mohammed al-Mustafa SA.
Il est aussi dit que les Prophètes Ibrahim SA, Musa SA, Dawood SA et Issa AS recevèrent leur premières révélations dans ce mois sacré.
Imam Ali Zainul Abedeen AS dans une de ces supplications appela ce mois:
le mois du jeûne, le mois de l’Islam, le mois de mettre l'âme à l'essai et le mois de l’ibaadat. Les musulmans du monde entier accueillent ce mois, un moment précieux d’augmenter la piété.
Les manquements des mois précédents sont corrigés pendant ce mois et même les plus négligents des adhérents font un effort particulier en ce mois de se concentrer sur les actes de bontés qui remplissent l'objectif supérieur pour lequel il a été créé.
C'est un temps de réflexion et de renouvellement. Un temps pour surmonter les désirs temporels en niant la nourriture du corps et le plaisir, et aussi l'amélioration de l'état de l'âme en se concentrant dans la prière et la méditation.
Le jeûne pendant le mois de Ramadhan est obligatoire et pratiqué par tous les croyants. Mais il y a une exception pour les malades, les voyageurs et les femmes pendant la grossesse, les soins infirmiers ou la menstruation, et Allah a décrété que ce mois s'élèvera par-dessus les autres en rendant illégal ce quii était légal dans les autres mois.
Cette exaltation du mois de Ramadhan est une source de grande bénédiction pour les croyants qui, outre l’incommensurable avantage du jeûne est récompensé avec la promesse de multiplier soixante-dix fois chaque acte de bonté.
Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA, l’incarnation même de la piété et la bonté, consacrait le mois de Ramadhan avec un emploi du temps chargé.
En dehors de l’accroissement des prières qu’il menait dans divers Masjid et l’accroissement des Dua récitées tous les jours, il passait un énorme moment avec les Mumineen qui avait le grand honneur de donner le Zakaat directement à Maulana.
Nammaz et Zakaat sont liés les uns et les autres. Nos Hudaat Kiraam SA favorisèrent une tradition d’offrir Zakaat annuellement pendant le mois de Ramadhan, car un acte pieux fait dans ce mois-ci attire plus de mérite que dans tout autre.
Des centaines de Mumineen se déplace pour rencontrer un bienveillant père qui accepte les Zakaat des Mumineen et purifie leurs biens et repartent avec la bénédiction de Syedna et ses précieuses Dua.
Le représentant de Rasulullah a continué à faire la même chose depuis des siècles, aujourd'hui, al-Al-Dai Fatimi fait de même, malgré l'horaire épuisant que cela comporte.
Laylatul Qadr, une nuit pas comme les autres, fait l'honneur d'être mieux dans son excellence que mille mois.
Le mystère et le pouvoir de cette nuit est décrit dans le Quran dans Surat-al-Qadr : « les anges et l'Esprit descendent par le commandement de leur Seigneur avec la paix jusqu'à l'aube ».
Alors que d’autres musulmans se débattent pour trouver la réelle nuit sainte, les Mumineen se rassemblent la 23ème nuit suivant les dates du calendrier des Fatimides.
Syedna, dans cette nuit se livre à la prière, implorant près d’Allah la miséricorde et le pardon de ses enfants spirituels, les Mumineen. Il écrit une Munajaat, une intime conversation poétique avec Allah et permets les Mumineen de réciter ses précieuses paroles poétiques.
Ainsi, lorsque ce mois de piété se termine, les Mumineen sont heureux de savoir qu’ils ont bénéficier de cette unique nuit et unique mois en laissant de côté pendant ces jours paresse et négligence. C’est ainsi que le jour de Eid al-Fitr descend du ciel le vrai bonheur éternel.
Layaali Faazila
As Sherullah al-Moazzam enters its second half we come under the benevolence and succour of the layaali faazila; 17th, 19th, 21st and of course, Laylat al-Qadr on the eve of the 23rd.
These nights are of great significance with manifold divine reward for the those offer ´ibaadat during them. This significance and divine reward peak with the Quran’s promise of a night greater than a thousand months – one night alone that is superior to a lifetime spent in worship.
For us the idea of spending an entire night or even a part of a night in ´ibaadat is not an innate one. Yet, as we come upon these nights it is worth reflecting that were it not for the Duat Mutlaqeen then it would have been extremely unlikely that we would have even an inkling of how to go about worshipping in them.
It was the 2nd Dai Mutlaq, al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Ibrahim RA, whose qabr mubarak is in Ghayl Bani Hamid, Yemen, who initiated the washeq namaaz, a manifest aspect of these layaali fazila. Washeq can be defined as ‘something in addition’ and as we know it is a namaaz in addition to the night’s usual namaaz. Unlike other types of namaaz that are practised this namaaz remains within the sunnat and tatawwa´ category which are prayed individually and not behind an imam.
It is a remarkable form of namaaz, and its length and manner ensure that one has carried out at least some further ´ibaadat during these nights. The number of rakaat stipulated refer to levels of the celestial and earthly huduud (ranks). In praying this namaaz one fulfils the basic requirement of extended worship and it becomes an offering through which we can then seek forgiveness for our sins and beseech the Almightly for the fulfilment of all our spiritual and temporal needs. Maulana Ali ASstated, “Seek the fulfilment of your needs on the eves of the 17th of Shehre Ramadan and on the eves of the 19th, the 21st and the 23rd”.
The 17th of Shehre Ramadan is also historically important as it was on this day that the Battle of Badr, the first victory of the Muslims over the tribes of Makkah, was fought. The 19th is the eve of the morning in which Maulana Ali AS was martyred in the mihrab of the masjid in Kufa. Lastly, the 21st is known as the ‘lesser Laylat al- Qadr’.
Laylat al-Qadr is sometimes literally translated as the Night of Power, although this translation would seem to distract from the true significance of the night. Opinions differ widely as to the actual night of Laylat al-Qadr for which Rasulallah SA gave a cryptic reply saying, “Look for me when the tip of my nose is in mud” indicating that Layalat al-Qadr that year would be a night of rain when the masjid floor would be as he described. In this way, then, the night is much like Maulatona Fatema AS who willed Maulana Ali AS to bury her at night so that those who had caused her pain would be denied of participating in her burial. He then made many burial mounds so that her actual grave could not be identified by them later.
Although all these nights are sacred, attendance during Laylat al-Qadr is an absolute minimum requirement along with the day of Aashura for to consider himself a mumin, and thereby calling in to question his salvation and life in the Hereafter.
As these days and nights of Sherullah fly by, may we be able to derive the maximum benefit from them through recitation of the Holy Quran, ´ibaadat and acts of goodness and charity. May we find the determination to raise ourselves beyond our normal, routine deeds and actions and go beyond the extra that we may have done in Shehre Ramadan during preceding years. May we all pray for our Maula, Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin – whose birth took place in the very night of Laylat al-Qadr; to be blessed with a long and healthy life until the Day of Qiyaamat.
by: Misbah info
Amir al-Muminin ni Shahadat
Shab-e-Zarbat (19th of Mah e Ramzan) or Night of attack on Maula Ali (as) at Kufa Mosque
The commander of faithful, the father of eloquence, the caretaker of the orphans, the shelter of the needy and the perfect of all humans after Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw). Born in the House of Allah, Holy Kaaba, and martryed in the House of Allah, Masjid-e-Kufa. He died on the 21st day of Ramadan 40 A.H. and buried in Najaf al-Ashraf (Iraq).
On the eve of the martyrdom of Maula Ali (as) we take this opportunity to extend our heartiest condolences to Imam of the time, Imam Taiyeb (as) and the Muslim world. Oh Allah (SWT) help us live the life of Maula Ali (as)!
Maula Ali ibn Abi Talib (as) had prophesied his departure from this world several days before hand, and on the day of his martyrdom he mysteriously desired his sons Imam Hasan and Imam Hussain (as) to offer their morning prayers in the house and not to accompany him as they usually did to the mosque of Kufa. When Maula Ali (as) was leaving his abode, the household birds began making a great noise and when one of Maula Ali's servants attempted to quieted them, Maula Ali (as) said, "Leave them alone, for their cries are only lamentations foreboding my death."
On the 19th of the month of Holy Ramadan (Mah e Ramzan) of the year 40 A.H, Maula Ali (a.s) came to the mosque in Kufa for his morning prayers. Maula Ali (a.s) gave the call for prayer (Azaan) and became engaged in leading the congregation. Abd-al-Rahman ibn Muljam(L.A) pretending to pray, stood just behind Maula Ali (a.s), and when Maula Ali (pbuh) was in a state of prostration, Abd-al-Rahman ibn Muljam dealt a heavy stroke with his sword, inflicting a deep wound on Maula Ali's (a.s) head.
This was the time when Maula Ali (as) uttered his famous words : "Fuzto warab-il-Kaaba" - "By the Rab of Kaaba, I am successful".
Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had prophesied the assassination of Maula Ali (a.s) and his issues. Regarding Maula Ali (a.s) Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had said, "O Ali! I see before my eyes thy beard dyed with the blood of thy forehead."
They assassinated Maula Ali (a.s) at his finest time - the hour of standing before Allah, the Exalted, during a prayer of submission, in the best of days, while fasting during the month of Ramadan (Mah e Ramzan); during the most glorious Islamic duties, while preparing to wage jihad, and in the highest and most pure divine places, the Mosque of Kufa.
May joy be to Amir al-Muminin Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (A.S) and a blessed afterlife!
Maula Ali (a.s) suffered from his wound for three days, and He (a.s) passed away on 21st of the month of Ramadan (Mah e Ramzan) at an age of 63 years.
During these three days, he (a.s) entrusted his son, Imam Hasan (a.s) with the Imamate of guiding the nation ideologically and socially. During those three days, as during all his life, he never ceased remembering Allah, praising Him, and accepting Him and His ordinance.
Likewise, he continued giving pieces of advice and directions leading to good, pointing to the right, defining the way to guidance, explaining the course for deliverance, calling for the observance of Allah's ordinances, and warning against following one's ill desires and set-backs from not carrying out the divine message.
The following is one piece of advice offered to his sons, Imam Hasan (a.s) and Imam Hussain (a.s), as well as to his people, the nation and coming generations:
"I advise you to fear Allah, and not to run after (the pleasure of) the world, even if it may run after you. Do not be sorry for anything from it which you have been denied. Say the truth and act for (Allah's) reward. Be an enemy of the oppressor, and be a helper of the oppressed."
"I advise you, my children, my household and all those who may receive my message, to fear Allah, to arrange your affairs well, to maintain good relations among yourselves, for I have heard your grandfather (pbuh) saying: 'Good relations are better than prayer and fasting in general."
"(Fear) Allah when handling matters of orphans. Do not let them starve, nor allow them to be lost as long as you are there."
"(Fear) Allah in respect to your neighbors, for they were the trust of your Prophet (pbuh). He went on asking us to take care of them, so much that we thought he would make them heirs (of our heritage)."
"(Fear) Allah in respect to the Holy Quran, (take care that) no one may excel you in following its tenets."
Fuzto warab-il-Kaaba - By the Rab of Kaaba, I am successful"(Fear) Allah in respect to prayer, as it is the pillar of your religion."
"(Fear) Allah in respect to your Lord's House (Kaaba), do not forsake it so long as you live, because if you do you will not be looked upon with respect."
"(Fear) Allah in respect to Jihad, fight with your wealth, your lives and your tongues, in the way of Allah."
"Have mutual liaison and give-and-take. Beware of turning your faces from, and of renouncing, one another. Do not abandon bidding good and forbidding evil, lest vicious people may overrule you, and then in such a case, your invocations will not be responded to (by Allah)."
Then he said: "O, Banu Abdul Muttalib, certainly I do not want you to wade through the blood of the Muslims, crying: Amir al-Muminin was murdered. You certainly kill for me no one but my killer."
"Wait till I die by this stroke of him (Abd-al-Rahman ibn Muljam {L.A}), then strike a single stroke against him, and do not disfigure his body, for I had heard the Holy Prophet (pbuh) saying: 'Avoid mayhem even with a rabid dog."
Such was the heroic end of this great man! The loss to the Mission and the nation was the gravest after the loss of the Holy Prophet (pbuh).
By the death of Imam Ali (a.s) the nation lost:
A heroism that had become the song of the time;
A courageous history that has never dreamt of its like;
A wisdom no one can fathom, save Allah;
A purity, the like of which was only in the prophets;
An abstinence from the pleasures of life that could be attained only by the nearest to Allah;
An eloquence such as to be the echo of Book; and A jurisprudence, and a thorough knowledge of the laws of religion, that made him the 'gateway of the city' of the Prophet's knowledge, and the authority to whom the Islamic nation referred in all its affairs.
Peace be upon Amir al-Muminin the day he was born, the day he was martyred on his altar, and the day he shall be raised alive.
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
Daily Ramadan Tasbeeh
(Allhumma inna haadha shahru Ramadan al-ladhee unzila feehil Qurana hudan linnaasi wa bayyinaatin minal hudaa wal furqaan)
O Allah this is the month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Quran as a guidance to people with clear signs and arguments.
(Allahumma baarik lanaa fee shahri Ramadan wa 'a-inna 'alayhi wa taqabbalhu minnaa)
O Allah increase Your blessings upon us during this month, help us to observe its requirements and accept our prayers and supplications.
(Innaka 'alaa kulle shayin qadeer)
Indeed You have power over everything
(Laa ilaaha illallaah. Astaghfirullaah. Allahumma innee asalokal jannata wa 'aoodhu beka minan-naar)
There is no God other than Allah. I seek forgiveness from Allah. I ask You O Allah to include me among those deserving paradise and to deliver me from the fire (of hell).
Ifftar dua'a
( Allahumma ya mu'ti-ussuwalaat )
Allah, O grantor of prayers
(Wa ya wali ar-raghabaat)
Custodian of desires
( Wa ya munaffisal kurubaat )
Dispeller of worries
( Wa ya kaafi al hammi wal ghammi; Ya hannaanu ya mannaan )
Protector from grief and distress; The Compassionate; Bestower of blessings
(Ya dhal jalaali wal ikraam )
Most Glorious and Most Generous
( Ya man 'aata khayra maa fee khazaa-enihil eemaana bihee qablas-sawaal )
One who dispenses imaan, the most precious gift from His treasures without even being asked
(Laa tamna'naa aqalla maa fee khazaa-enikal 'afwa ma'as-sawaal)
Do not withhold from us forgiveness, the lease of the gifts from your treasures, when we beseech you for it
(Ilaahi as-aluka an tusallee 'alaa Muhammadin wa 'alaa aali Muhammad)
My God, I invoke blessings upon Muhammad and upon the progeny of Muhammad
(Wa an taghfir lana wa an tarhamna wa an tu'aafeena min sakhatik)
Forgive us and shower Your mercy on us, and save us from Your wrath
(Wa 'an taqdhee 'annad-dayna bi rahmatik)
Help us discharge our debts with Your mercy
(Wa 'an tatooba 'alayna innaka antat-tawaabur raheem)
Forgive us; You are the most merciful forgiver
(Wa 'an taj'alanaa fee haadhal yawmi min 'utaqaa-ika, wa min tulaqaa-ika minan-naar)
Place us among those who are pious and among those whom You have saved from fire
(Wa 'an laa tushmit binaa 'uduwwan wa laa haasidan bi rahmatika ya arhamar raahimeen)
O most merciful, with Your mercy, do not let enemies, nor the jealous rejoice on account of our misfortunes
(Allahumma laka sumnaa wa bika aamanna wa 'alaa rizqika aftarnaa, fa taqabbal-hu minnaa)
Allah, we fasted for You, and we have faith in You and it is with Your bounty (rizq) that we break our fast. So accept this fast from us.
(Dhahabaz-zamaa-u wam talaa'atil 'urooq)
Thirst has vanished and body (literal: veins) is satiated
(Wa baqiya ajr-u insha Allahu ta'aala)
And the reward will come, if Allah wills
Hadhihi as-salaat
Dua (Hadhihi as-salaat) is offered with a variation of sujood. Instead of touching floor with the brow and nose, floor is touched with either cheek.
So that, this is to make it clear that supplication is to humans and not to Allah.
Sujood, normally only for Allah, would not be appropriate as the dua is addressed to Prophet and his daughter.
Hadhihi salaat meaning:
Hadhihi as-salaat = This prayer
Fa hiya = It is
Hadiyyatun minni ilayka, ya mawlana Muhammad = a gift from me to you, O Mawlana Muhammad
Wa ilayki, ya mawlatina Fatema = and (a gift) to you, O Mawlatina Fatema
Taqabbaluha minni = accept it from me
Wa daaifu-li biha = and through it, reward me
al-adafa al-jazeela = rewards in profusion
The Dua of Imam Ali Zainul Abedeen
Every sunrise in Shehre Ramadan brings with it the promise of mercy (rehmat), absolution (maghfera) & salvation from hellfire. Morning prayers are a time for retrospection and repentance.
The dua of Imam Ali Zainulabedeen AS, recited after Fajr Namaaz in Shehre Ramadan, is a testament to his name Zainulabedeen, ‘the grace of all worshippers’. In its beautiful narration it invokes the deepest feelings of devotion & supplication. It is a guide of those deeds, morals & actions that bring us closest to Allah. When prayed together rhythmically in a masjid or markaz, one is infused with sense of fulfillment & exaltation.
Praise to Allah for guiding us to pay gratitude to Him & thereby rewarding us for that gratitude. Praise to Allah for bestowing us with Deen & leading us towards the paths that entail His benevolence. Praise to Allah for making His month the month of Shehre Ramadan one of those paths, a month of fasting, of Islam, of piety, of cleansing & of Qiyam (namaaz). During this month, The Quran Majeed was revealed to Rasulullah SAW. The significance of Shehre Ramadan far exceeds that of any other month. Hence, Allah ta’ala has prohibited food, drink & other actions which are allowed in other months. & Allah has determined the time of its occurrence so that no man however mighty can prepone or postpone it. In addition to that, Allah has gifted it a night worth more than a thousand nights, the night of Lailatul Qadr; a night in which the angels & Ruh keep descending from the sky until the break of dawn.
In the 2nd part of the dua, Imam AS seeks Allah’s aid to comprehend the importance of Shehre Ramadan. Fasting does not just mean an empty stomach. Imam AS invokes Allah to assist us to fast with all parts of our body & to use them only for that which pleases Him. So that, our ears may not be distracted by music; our eyes not attracted towards frivolous activities; our hands not long for things that are frowned upon; our feet not march towards places that are forbidden; that we not eat except that which is halal; that we speak not except good: so that all our deeds are assured us of His reward & we are protected from His punishment. That all our deeds be devoid of ego and self-aggrandizement; that our only intent be Allah who has no partner.
(In essence, Imam AS defines fasting as an absolute abstinence & refrain from all actions prohibited in the Quran and Hadith, even those actions which are frowned upon. A fast, thus, not only cleanses the food tract, but the body as a whole & eventually the soul. The pleasant feeling associated with fast-break by a Mumin is testament to this ‘clean slate’ state of his soul. Rasulullah SAW has stated, “A person who fasts has double jubilation; one when he breaks his fast & the other at his death.”)
The 3rd part of the dua beseeches Allah for guidance in other aspects of Ibadat, chief among them mainly namaaz; so that we pray each namaaz on its specific time, observing all its obligations (hudood) & doctrines, with tahaarat & utmost humility.
(It is narrated that when Imam Ali Zainulabedeen AS engaged himself in prayer, his humility, devotion and submission to Allah was such that he would turn pale. When asked he replied that it was due to the fear of the Almighty before whom he stood.)
Imam AS asks Allah to help us saegaurd our wealth by paying zakat & to cleanse our money by honouring that obligatory pillar of Iman. The term zakat itself signifies ‘cleansing.” Only after offering wajebaat, is the rest of his wealth halal for a Mumin to consume.
Imam Ali Zainulabedeen AS
Dua with fehva